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What to Do About Violence

  • Thu, March 28, 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Teleconference

**To register for this event, please fill out the attached form and send to Elizabeth at elizabethhogue@elizabethhogue.net**

Complete this form: FAHCS State Registration Forms March 28.docx.pdf

What to Do About Violence

A 90-Minute Lunch & Learn Audio Conference

by: Elizabeth E. Hogue, Esq.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

****1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time****

Replay: April 4, 2024 (Recorded playback available for 24 hours)

Audio-Conference Description
Violence against providers of services in patients’ homes seems to be increasing.  Several staff members have recently lost their lives while visiting patients.  Home health agencies, hospices, private duty agencies, and HME companies have a duty to protect their staff members.  When providers fail to protect workers, they may violate OSHA requirements and may be liable for negligence.  What do current OSHA requirements say?  What do workers have to prove in order to hold providers liable for negligence?  How can providers avoid injuries to staff members, non-compliance with OSHA requirements, and liability for negligence?  What concrete steps should providers take now to manage their risks?  Learn what to do in light of a worsening problem for home 
care providers of all types.  There will be plenty of time for questions during the teleconference and extensive handouts will be provided.

About the Speaker:
Elizabeth Hogue is an attorney in private practice with extensive experience in health care.  Prior to becoming an attorney, she was employed as a personnel manager by a Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plan.  She studied at the University of Maryland School of Law, concentrating in health law, and gained considerable clinical experience, course work, and employment experience in this area.  Following her admission to the Bar, she developed an active practice in health law.  She represents clients all over the country.  Her clients are professional associations, managed care providers, and institutional health care providers; including hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, durable medical equipment companies, and hospices.  Ms. Hogue gives numerous presentations each year on health-related topics.  Her articles are regularly included in trade association publications and other journals.  Ms. Hogue is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association.

How it works:
Complete this Registration Form for your agency and return to elizabethhogue@elizabethhogue.net. Registered locations will receive an e-mail confirmation two days prior to the teleconference with instructions on how to join the audio conference, access handouts, additional resources, etc. Participate in the live, interactive Q&A session via your telephone. 

PLEASE NOTE: Registration fees are based on one phone connection; multiple site participation from your agency will be charged a separate registration fee for each.                                                                                                                                  

REGISTER TODAY! Save time and travel costs, and include all staff members who will benefit from this program!


FAHCS, led by a board of industry experts, maintains a high standard of advocacy. Established in January 2009, we fight to protect and preserve the integrity of our industry as providers and the beneficiaries we serve. We are working with providers and government agencies to enhance the industry. 


Ph: 919-387-1221
Fax: 919-249-1394
Email: beth@fahcs.us

FAHCS Mailing Address:
PO Box 4411
Cary, NC 27519-4411

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